Teens – Medford USY (MUSY) 

Temple Shalom boasts a strong USY chapter that provides numerous fun and exciting ways to meet and hang out with other Jewish youth (grades 6-12) with educational, social, and leadership development opportunities. USY activities also develop and maintain strong connections to Jewish values, culture, rituals, and awareness of Israel. Medford USY (MUSY) meets once a month on Saturday evenings or Sunday afternoons, often times with separate events for middle-schoolers (Junior USY) and high-schoolers (Senior USY).

USY Board 

MUSY is a self-governing group that appoints an executive board every spring. The MUSY Board and MUSY Advisor, Maya, work together to plan and develop social, educational, recreational, and community service programs for its members. MUSY has been recognized by the HaNer Region for Chapter of Excellence in Programming, all thanks to the teens that are planning these great programs.

Regional and International Involvement 

Medford USY members are encouraged to actively participate in inter-chapter and international programming, connecting them with the wider Jewish youth community. These programs include nearby afternoon trips around the Boston or greater Northeast area, as well as kinnusim (conventions) across the country. USY members can also attend international USY immersive experiences including USY on Wheels and trips to Israel.

Get in Touch 

If you have any questions, please contact Maya Kurzman, USY Advisor at
usy@templeshalommedford.org. You can also find us on Instagram @MedfordUSY to keep up to date with our programs and happenings!

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