Welcome to Temple Shalom!
Are you looking for a place to worship?
A community to belong to?
A religious education for your family?
We invite you to take a look around and see if the Temple Shalom community is right for you!
A Conservative Community:
Temple Shalom is an egalitarian Conservative community that embraces the richness of Jewish tradition and thrives on the diversity of members’ backgrounds, family structure, and ideas.
Our members’ lives are enriched through participation in our vibrant and warm Jewish kehilla (congregation) where passion for praying, playing, learning, and tikkun olam (social action) are fulfilled together. We’re a community: we support one another as we all strive to live our value
Come be a part of a Jewish community that feels like family, and shares the joys of each other’s life events.

From Rabbi Jessica Dell’Era (she/they):
Shalom and b’ruchim haba’im! It is my pleasure to welcome you to Temple Shalom of Medford, a friendly and inclusive Jewish community. We are an intergenerational and egalitarian synagogue affiliated with USCJ, and we love to embody the Jewish value of sayver panim yafot, greeting everyone with a pleasant face! Whether you are new in town or have driven by for years, whether you were born Jewish or not, we will be happy to meet you. Stop on by for a Shabbat service and kiddush lunch, or explore our children’s programming, social events, and learnings. All are welcome here: from seniors and empty-nesters to young adults, couples, and families; Jews of color, LGBTQ+ folks, converts and those curious to know more about Jewish thought and practice. I welcome any and all questions. Feel free to get in touch with me at rabbidellera@templeshalommedford.org or 781-396-3262 extension 2. I look forward to seeing you here at Temple Shalom!
Covid-19 Policies: Temple Shalom has been guided by the Jewish concept of pikuah nefesh (preservation of life), as well as the best advice of doctors, public health experts, and peer institutions, as we strive to support our community and gather safely. Most adult services meet in person and on Zoom. Youth services meet in person only. Other programs are in person unless stated otherwise. Masks are optional at all Temple Shalom events and services. If you are not feeling well, please stay home and join us via zoom and/or in person when you are feeling better. If you have tested positive for covid-19, or have recent exposure to a known covid-19 positive individual, please follow CDC guidelines.
What’s happening:
Below, you’ll find a schedule of this week’s upcoming events.