Our Hebrew School

Our Hebrew School provides an inclusive, challenging, and engaging educational experience for our children, enabling them to be confident in their Judaism and giving them the foundation to be participatory Jewish adults. Learning extends beyond the classroom, incorporating family programs, prayer services, volunteerism, and holiday celebrations throughout the year.

The Hebrew School meets Wednesday afternoons (grades 3-7), Sunday mornings (pre-K to 7th grade), and three times monthly on Sunday nights (grades 8-12). Students are also expected to come to services periodically.


As students progress, they revisit some topics learned in previous years to gain more mature, nuanced, and detailed understandings. With an emphasis on hands-on learning and student reflection, we prioritize the following areas of study: Ivrit (Hebrew), T’fillah (Prayer), Yisrael (Israel), Chagim (Holidays), Mitzvot & Middot (Commandments and Ethics), Tikkun Olam (Repair of the World), History, Tanakh (Bible), and Applying Jewish values/perspective beyond Temple Shalom.

Students also participate in charity and volunteer opportunities throughout the year to learn about Tikkun Olam.

Older students can participate in field trips to further enrich their Jewish education, as well.


Our Hebrew school program offers a variety of opportunities for parents and the rest of the community to participate through family program days, usually tied to a holiday, as well as through volunteer opportunities.

Twice a year, during Hanukkah and Purim, the entire school puts on a special program for parents and congregants.

B’nei Mitzvah

A milestone in the education of our children is the B’nei Mitzvah program, which is customized to the goals of each child and family. From their first Tot Shabbat, the first time they experience Shabbat at home, or their first day in Hebrew School, your child is preparing for becoming an adult in the Jewish community. While much of the curriculum of Hebrew School is geared towards preparing them, formal tutoring for their day begins approximately one year before their B’nei Mitzvah. At the beginning of their 5th grade in school families meet with the B’nei Mitzvah committee to pick a date and learn about the process. Then, starting about one year prior to the B’nei Mitzvah your child will meet weekly with one of our wonderful tutors to learn their portion of the Torah and Haftorah and to fine tune their preparation for leading parts of the service. They will also meet with the Rabbi to work on their D’var Torah (speech) about their portion. Each child is different, so each B’nei Mitzvah is slightly different as well. The only consistent element is the incredible joy and warmth filling the sanctuary.

Get in Touch

If you have any questions, please contact Natan Fandel, Youth Education Director at: rsdirector@templeshalommedford.org