Post B’nei Mitzvah

Temple Shalom Teen Initiative (TSTI – pronounced “tasty”)

Eighth and ninth graders participate in courses taught twice a month at Temple Shalom by Hebrew College educators who bring inspiring, educational, and thought provoking courses to our teens. Topics vary.  Previous offerings include, Scribal Arts and the Torah of Imperfection and L’Dor V’Dor: Ancestors in Jewish Texts.

Rabbi’s Teen Roundtable 

As the culmination of their formal youth education, tenth graders have a special opportunity to engage with Rabbi Jessica Dell’Era for monthly text-based group discussions utilizing learner generated topics to consider and reflect on their own Jewish identity and beliefs.

Teen Volunteer Program 

Eighth through twelfth graders grow their connection and contribute to our community through helping out in various aspects of synagogue life, for example, as madrichim (teacher assistants) in the religious school, through collaboration with our Green Team to reduce our ecological footprint, and by leading junior congregation services. We are also open to other ways teens wish to engage.